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Hi, welcome on my blog about edible insects.
By navigating through this blog, you’ll read some stories related to eating insects (also called entomophagy) from an environmental engineer and fitness nutrition specialist with 5 years of experience in the edible insects industry.

Because understanding the real outcomes of entomophagy is much more than simply “eating insects” for fun, you’ll find many articles about health, sustainability, the nutritional aspect and the ethics.

But eating insects is also delicious, so you’ll find some of my favourite recipes and some products with edible insects I tried.

With experiences as a consultant for insect farming and insects as food companies, I will share some evolution of the edible insects industry.

For any professional inquiry or just say hi, please reach out to me through the contact form.

“Eating insects is the future and the future is now! Feed your mind with good vibes and tasty bugs on my blog!”

entomophagy edible insects entomoveproject

À table!

What is entomophagy ?

Entomophagy is the word widely used to characterize the act of eating insects. The word has been first used in the French language in 1881 by the doctor Virey. Interesting fact: This word for describing people who eat insects only exist in countries where edible insects are not part of the culture.

If you want to learn more about EntoMoveProject and why we should eat insects.